CO2 extractions, in addition to being a clean process, are an impurity remover.

There has been an evolution in the search for products that are natural and without undergoing chemical or toxic modifications or alterations, from when we have the seed until we have the finished products in our hands. Which has meant that the extractions of essential and absolute oils have evolved to be sustainable and clean, preserving quality without losing any of their properties.

CO2 extraction can be supercritical or subcritical. Being a harmless gas brought to a certain pressure and temperature, behaving like a liquid and like a gas at the same time, it becomes a powerful solvent capable of extracting chemical compounds from the selected plant material, in a clean, fast way and preserving the properties and nutrients intact.

In addition to extracting essential oils for aromatherapy, colorants for various uses, cosmetic and pharmaceutical active ingredients, absolutes for perfumery, it achieves the degreasing of seeds and cocoa, in addition to eliminating impurities, unpleasant flavors, pesticide residues in medicinal herbs, microbes and bacteria from of plant material, achieving a very high purity in the extracts obtained.

With this type of process, natural extracts free of solvents are obtained, since CO2 is capable of separating traces of other compounds. In this way, 100% pure active ingredients with optimal quality are achieved. Another of the key factors of this type of extraction is that it allows easy certification of the products since they lack any contaminant, in addition to being effective bioactives and of premium quality.


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